My 5V home-made battery
Inspired by various posts on how to create a battery from household items, I decided to create my version. here is the result:
There are a total of 11 cells – 10 slices of lemon and a bowl of Coke. Each cell provides around 0.47V. The 2 electrodes are the aluminum strip from the Coke can, and Singapore $1 coin.
Although it provides a 5V, the current is only enough to light up an LED briefly. The LED can light up brightly with a single 1.5V AAA cell.
I posted on, my favorite electronics forum, and got some interesting replies from other members who have also made similar batteries. This is another version that provides around 2V:
This is a video showing a lemon battery and a salt-water batter in operation:
This website shows you how to make a Coke battery that can run a calculator:
and a battery from Soda water: