About Windows Mobile CAB files

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To extract files with original names from a Windows Mobile CAB file and view the INF file which was used to create the CAB file, use MSCEInf.

MSCEInf supports command line parameters, for example:

MSCEInf CabFile1.CAB extract “c:temp”

will extract the CAB file contents to folder c:temp

To extract the CAB file from an ActiveSync setup file (.EXE), you can use a tool such as Uniextract.
This will work if the .EXE was compressed using a common algorithm. If it does not work, try to install the app by running the .EXE file. For most applications, the CAB file will be available in a sub-directory in C:Program FilesMicrosoft ActiveSync. Or on the device, it is available in WindowsAppMgrInstall

If a CAB file fails to install on your devices remember a detailed XML log of the installation process can be found on the device under Application DataVolatilesetup.log

Windows Mobile CAB file is loaded using WindowsWCELoad.exe. If a CAB file has a CE setup DLL, the DLL is handled by tmarshaller.exe. For more information, see this.


1. http://ce4all.blogspot.com/2008/01/cab-installation-debugging-issues.html
2. http://forum.xda-developers.com/archive/index.php/t-282647.html

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A tough developer who likes to work on just about anything, from software development to electronics, and share his knowledge with the rest of the world.

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