Accessing wifi hardware status via Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status.SystemState

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The State and Notification Broker in WM6 supports the following new properties (not present in WM5 SDK)

* BluetoothStateA2DPConnected
* BluetoothStateDiscoverable
* BluetoothStateHandsFreeAudio
* BluetoothStateHandsFreeControl
* BluetoothStateHardwarePresent
* BluetoothStatePowerOn


* WiFiStateConnected
* WiFiStateConnecting
* WiFiStateHardwarePresent
* WiFiStateNetworksAvailable
* WiFiStatePowerOn

To use these properties, you must add a reference to Microsoft.WindowsMobile.Status found in C:Program FilesWindows Mobile 6 SDKManaged LibrariesMicrosoft.WindowsMobile.Status.dll (that is, the WM6 SDK), and not another DLL having the same name found in C:Program FilesWindows CE Toolswce500Windows Mobile 5.0 Pocket PC SDKDesignTimeReferencesMicrosoft.WindowsMobile.PocketOutlook.dll (which is for WM5 SDK). If you mistakenly add the WM5 SDK’s DLL, you won’t be able to access these properties.


What’s New For Managed Developers In Windows Mobile 6

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A tough developer who likes to work on just about anything, from software development to electronics, and share his knowledge with the rest of the world.

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