Connect WM6 SDK Emulators to GSM Modem

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Is it possible to connect the device WM6 emulator to the outside world by mapping its serial port 0 to the COM port of a real GSM modem (instead of that of the cellular emulator)? Once connected, will the emulator be able to call/SMS the real world?

The “Device Emulator” has to be connected before attempting any registry changes using “Windows CE Remote Registry Editor”.

The default entry in the registry is to work with the Cellular emulator using Virtual Serial Port. [ex: VEI1:]


This port can be configured to work with the actual Serial port by making this change in the registry.

[ex: COM1:]

In the device emulator configure/Peripherals, set the Serial Port to COM1:.

Restart the Device Emulator , Network and Signal Strength will be displayed. Then make a call


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A tough developer who likes to work on just about anything, from software development to electronics, and share his knowledge with the rest of the world.

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