Windows Vista Misc

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The following contains some tips and tricks and some other interesting information I come across while using Windows Vista.

1. Turn off User Account Control: Start->Run->Msconfig->Tools->Disable UAC. Need reboot

2. Show Run in start menu: Right click the Start menu, choose Properties. Choose the Start menu tab, choose Customize, and then check Show Run

3. Show menu bar in Windows Explorer:

  • Press the ALT key while an item in the explorer toolbar is selected
  • Click Organize on the toolbar, point to Layout, and then click Menu Bar.

4. Window Help (.hlp file) is not available on Windows Vista. To view old Windows help files, download WinHlp32.exe from here

5. Hyperterminal has been removed from Windows Vista. As an alternative, use putty

6. Telnet is also not installed by default. To install the telnet client:

  • Open Control Panel, Programs, and then click Turn Windows features on or off.
  • In the Windows Features dialog box, select the Telnet Client check box.

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A tough developer who likes to work on just about anything, from software development to electronics, and share his knowledge with the rest of the world.

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