Restoring the OneNote Guide

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If you didn’t delete the OneNote Guide notebook folder then you can do this:
  1. Open OneNote
  2. File–>Open–>Notebook
  3. Go to DocumentsOneNote Notebooks
  4. Find the OneNote Guide folder and click on it
  5. Click Open
  6. Success!
If you deleted the OneNote Guide notebook folder then please do this:
  1. Open OneNote
  2. File–>Open–>Section
  3. Go to %programfiles%Microsoft OfficeOFFICE12LCID
  4. The LCID is the folder for your language & locale; for EN-US this is 1033
  5. Double click on ONGuide.onepkg
  6. Unpack the notebook by going through the wizard
  7. Success!

Reference: Restoring the OneNote Guide

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A tough developer who likes to work on just about anything, from software development to electronics, and share his knowledge with the rest of the world.

One thought on “Restoring the OneNote Guide

  • May 8, 2018 at 6:40 pm

    Just look in your original OneNote document, usually called “Notebook of ….” and then your name, and look there for the Quick notes section. First or last two pages might still be the guide pages.

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